Guanhong Liu*,Tianyu Yu*,Zhihao Yao,Haiqing Xu,Yunyi Zhang,Xuhai Xu,Xiaomeng Xu,Mingyue Gao,Qirui Sun,Tingliang Zhang and Haipeng Mi
New materials and technologies facilitate the design of thermochromic dynamic paintings. However, creating a thermochromic painting requires the knowledge of electrical engineering and computer science, which is a barrier for artists and enthusiasts with non-technology backgrounds. Existing toolkits only supported limited design space and failed to provide usable solutions for independent creation and satisfy the needs of the artists. We present ViviPaint, a toolkit that assists artists and enthusiasts in creating thermochromic paintings easily and conveniently. We summarized the pain points and challenges by observing a professional artist’s entire thermochromic painting creation process. We then designed ViviPaint consisting of a design tool and a set of hardware components. The design tool provides a GUI animation choreography interface, hardware assembly guidance, and assistance in assembly process. The hardware components comprise an augmented picture frame with a detachable structure and 24 temperature-changing units using Peltier elements. The results of our evaluation study (N=8) indicate that our toolkit is easy to use and effectively assists users in creating thermochromic paintings.
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摘要:新材料和技术促进了热致变色动态平面艺术的产生。然而,创作一幅热致变色绘画需要电子工程和计算机科学的相关知识,这对于非技术背景的艺术家和爱好者来说是一个障碍。 同时,现有的工具包只支持有限的创作空间,无法为用户的独立创作提供可用的解决方案并满足艺术家的需求。我们推出了ViviPaint,这是一个可帮助艺术家和爱好者轻松方便地创作热致变色画的工具包。我们通过观察专业艺术家的整个热致变色绘画创作过程总结了痛点和挑战,然后设计了ViviPaint。它由一个设计工具和一组硬件组件组成。设计工具可以提供GUI动画编排界面、硬件组装指导,并在劳动密集的组装工作中提供帮助。硬件组件包括一个可拆卸的相框、24个使用帕尔贴元件的温度变化单元和一个温度控制电路。我们的评估研究结果 (N=8) 表明我们的工具包易于使用并有效地帮助用户创建热致变色绘画。